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Subject: dvd pirates same as a theif? i
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sarah__x 19.09.10 - 09:42pm
Dear DVD Makers,

Please do not proceed to judge me, how do you know I will not steal a car? (I wouldn't) or a TV? (again I wouldn't).

Please do not make presumptions about me when you do not know me.

The comparison you attempt to conjure up between Downloading a Movie and someone sna*ching a handbag, I find absurd.

The two crimes are performed by a totally different clas* of individual and I hasten to add before you slap my wrists DVD makers, both crimes are not victimless. But they are non comparable.

This brings me on to my second point what self righteous Pirate, would include an anti piracy message at the start of a DVD. Why would a Pirate warn people against piracy? By doing so surley they would harm their own carefully constructed business model?

Perhaps Pirates have their own message at the start of DVDs? Get Pirated DVDs, you don't want my kid to go without shoes? you don't want my kid to go hungry? (again for your clarification DVD makers, I am not a pirate and I don't have a kid).

Why do you not let us skip the advert? I've seen it hundreds of times already and if I was watching a pirated DVD I would never have seen it once. Can you not see the dilemma?

I hope you don't mind but I've taken to leaving the room whilst the advert is on and doing something useful with those 3 minutes. I suspect much like those Pirates have for years now.

I should put in a formal request for compensation with regards to lost time and revenue whilst watching those adverts, that 3 minutes times a 100. That's 5 hours I want them back!

Lastly if I was called Nigel or even had a friend called Nigel I'd be highly offended by his unfair treatment and the harassment he faces. In a society that is supposed to be accepting of others, I find the singling out of poor Nigel amounts to little more then name calling and bullying.

Should we accept this behaviour in society today?

I expect this letter will receive the due attention it requires, but as a precaution I've used fire resistant paper on which to address you on this urgent matter.

Yours sincerely,

sarah *

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